Laser Machine
1 Laser Marking Machine
2 Laser Welding Machine
3 Laser Cutting Machine
We offer our customers innovative and high quality
laser systems and technologies, specializing
in welding, cutting, marking and engraving.
We provide solutions to customers’ problems and
difficulties and aim to create a more efficient or
innovative solutions. Above all, we pride ourselves in providing excellent service by providing continuous technical support throughout the lifetime of ourmachines.

Laser Marking Machine

CCD Camera Laser cutting machine

CO2 laser cutting machine

Prcision Laser cutting machine

Prcision Laser cutting machine
Custom Design
We supply custom design for your request. Online machine with your pipe mill.
High Speed and Automatic control
Coating and marking with automatic control
Recycled and Reused Paint
The paint utilization rate is greater than 98%, and the paint can be recycled and reused
All lift service